Monday, January 4, 2010

TEAM 860... wait... what the hell does that mean?!

Well well well... I have succumbed to the blog. I used to have one of these (a few actually) back in the day -- and when I say "back in the day," I'm referring to the days of xanga and livejournal. Anyways, the reason why I've decided to start this thing is to just put my daily thoughts on something more concrete than say, my brain, which tends to fail me after every other binge drinking session that occurs on the weekends. Another reason I wanted to start this thing is to show everyone (or whoever decides to read) that unemployment isn't all that bad. I mean aside from the constant boredom, endless On Demand television and having to run errands like paying the Macy's bill in person or actually going inside a bank to do my deposits just to pass the time, I am living the life.

With that said, you've probably asked yourself, at least once, "Why the hell did he name his blog 'Team 860?'" Well, I'm glad you asked. I was looking for a name that would help put a purpose to something otherwise totally unnecessary. I was looking to possibly create a following and maybe provide other people who share the same situation (not this Situation) as myself something to relate. Considering titles such as Jumbo's Blog, Jumbo's Blogger, Jumbo's Journal, and the runner-up to the current title, Jumbo's Blog About Stuff, I came up with TEAM 860... the few and the proud. Ok, I'm pretty sure you're asking yourself (and me) again, "Ok... Why did you name your blog TEAM 860?!"...

Here's the answer: TEAM 860 is something i just came up with about 30 minutes ago. I wanted to blog about unemployment and the randomness that goes along with being unemployed. If you are in the same boat as me, the number 860 may have some significance. Not looking familiar?? Well for the unemployed, the number 860 represents the number of dollar bills (pre-tax) the government graciously provides individuals who have been "shit-canned," "let go," "temporarily replaced until a new position is available," or simply "laid off". For people who work 9-5s, 860 can mean anything you want it to mean, like the number of degrees you actually rotate on an attempted 900, and crashing and faceplanting, or the number of days you've actually had your current job at the moment you actually started reading this blog (wouldn't that be coincidental and quite spooky?).

So there you have it... TEAM 860. Get it?? For the part about "the few and the proud," I'm pretty sure there are very few people who are actually proud to be on unemployment, but there has to be some. I'm one of the few who are actually quite proud to get paid $860 from Mr. Obama every two weeks... I mean come on... that's 90 weeks of free money. The way I've been looking at it, I'm getting paid to look for a job... Not a bad gig if you ask me. I would much rather do what I do on a daily basis for $10 an hour (which is roughly how much I make per 8 hour day) than work at In 'n Out flipping burgers and smelling of dog-attracting hamburger meat.

As the lone member of this fairly new club, I christen this the first official post, with many more to follow... STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Awesome, Jum. Here' a website for some laughs:

    Lol. K, enjoy!

  2. i like the blog name...makes a lot of sense...i agree with you on a lot of things...the boredom part is right...i do a lot of shit that i wouldnt normally do like stand in line too...its pathetic but it kills the boredom of my day...thats the part i cant stand the most...being bored...
